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What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique that originates from Japan and was formally established as a healing discipline by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is based on the premise that all living things, including humans, have an energy body (often called the "aura" and "chakra" system) that is interconnected with our physical and mental health. The practice of reiki works to clear out blockages in our energy field caused by trauma and daily wear and tear of living.


Reiki is not affiliated with any religion and is safe and accessible for anyone who wants to try it. Courtney, the Reiki Master behind Twelfth House Visions, cares a great deal to honor whatever your belief systems are and will work with you to feel comfortable, educated and supported.


Reiki harmonizes the Energy Field and removes blockages.

Blockages are like a rubber band around your wrist; cutting off blood flow to a specific area of your body. Your body needs proper blood flow to deliver oxygen to your system much like your body needs proper flow of energy (chi or vital life force energy).


Blockages can lead to chronic physical or emotional manifestations if not treated in time. The good news is that Reiki can prevent and also help alleviate issues that have already begun to manifest.

Courtney Hardy, Reiki Master of Twelfth House Visions, can attest that regular Reiki has greatly improved her mental health.


Everyone has an energy field, you might as well take care of it. As you move through the world and make choices, your energy system can collect debris or begin to de-harmonize-- it's pretty normal actually. If we think of our energy system as a part of our anatomy like teeth or hair, we can begin to understand that regular energetic hygiene can help us in the long run and avoid major hassles and pain down the line. 

Image by Alexander Grey

Reiki is not about achieving perfection or transcending beyond human experience.

Once again, reiki is like other modalities of health such as proper nutrition, seeing a dentist or addressing your mental and emotional wellbeing; maintaining a healthy diet does not mean you won't ever get sick or have to exile all sweet confections from your life (nor does it mean that the goal should be to look a certain way). We see our dentist regularly and brush our teeth everyday, not to achieve perfection, but because it helps us on a daily basis.


Energetic maintenance is just as vital to health as physical and mental well-being.

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