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"Channeled: Protection" 5x7in. Gouache


This piece is one of my more abstract pieces depicting the channeled energy of being divinely protected. The purple and blue blob in the middle is me and my immediate aura, the blue and gold lines are “bars” of protection. The rest of the orange, pink and blue blobs are energetic noise I was generating during a time of stress in my life while I recovered from PTSD.

As a practicing medium and Reiki Master, I work with the human energy field (auras) quite a bit. At times it can be hard to explain to others what I see in my work. Sometimes I see more abstract blobs of color, and other times images come through very clearly like they would if I were looking at my hand in front of me.

This piece was channeled, so I wasn’t sure what would come through. Every brush stroke and color was chosen intuitively— the final image and meaning revealed to me only when I was through.

"Channeled: Protection" 5x7in. Satin Print

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